
قيود البحث

البدء من جديد لقد بحثت عن: اللغة Arabic إزالة القيد اللغة: Arabic البيانات المساهمة Library of Congress إزالة القيد البيانات المساهمة: Library of Congress

نتائج البحث

1. al-Jāmiʻah al-ʻArabīyah wa-aḥdāth Filasṭīn ; 2. al-Qaḍīyah al-Filasṭīnīyah amāma Lajnat al-tawfīq
Allāh, al-waṭan, al-malik : barnāmaj Miṣr al-Fatāh, 1948
Amthāl al-ʻArab
Arabic 9.(Taphou). Catena to the Bible. 15th/16th cent. 277 f. Pa. 6 mum. 44 ft.
Arabic 11.Evangelion with Commentary. 1500 A.D. 285 f. Pa. 40 ft.
Arabic 12.Canons. 12th cent. 303 f. Pa. 51 ft.
Arabic 15.Evangelion. 18th cent. 95 f. Pa. 17 ft.
Arabic 18.Evangelion with Commentary. 16th cent. 300 f. Pa. 41 ft.
Arabic 19.Medica. 1708 A.D. 265 f. Pa. 38 ft.
Arabic 20.Canons of Synods.13th/14th cent. 146 f. Pa. 21 ft.
Arabic 22.Evangelion for Sunday and Holy Days. 1736 A.D. 54 f. Pa. 10 ft.
Arabic 24.Paterikon. 1567 A.D. 314 f. Pa. 43 ft.
Arabic 27.Evangelion with Commentary. 1646 A.D. 302 f. Pa. 40 ft.
Arabic 28.Evangelion with Commentary. 14th cent. 272 f. Pa. 37 ft.
Arabic 29.Apostolos. 1642 A.D. 302 f. Pa. 41 ft.
Arabic 30.Evangelion. 1405 A.D. 239 f. Pa. 30 ft.
Arabic 31.Sermons and Letter of Isaac the Syrian. 14th cent. ? 160 f. Pa. 23 ft.
Arabic 33.Syntaktikon "AI Mukammal". 17th cent. 254 f. Pa. 31 ft.
Arabic 34.Syntaktikon. ca. 1607 A.D. 220 f. Pa. 29 ft.
Arabic 35.John Chrysostom: Homilies Vol. II. 1227 A.D. 450 f. Pa. 57 ft.
Arabic 36.Four Gospels. 14th cent. 171 f. Pa. 24 ft.
Arabic 37.Evangelion. 16th cent. 425 f. Pa. 55 ft.
Arabic 39.Evangelion. 16th cent. 168 f. Pa. 21 ft.
Arabic 40.Lexicon. 1201 A.D. 500 f. Pa. 60 ft.
Arabic 41.Nomokanon. 16th cent. 220 f. Pa. 28 ft.
Arabic 42.Rhetoric. 1300 A.D. 181 f. Pa. 23 ft.
Arabic 43.Medica. 13th/ 14th cent. 236 f. Pa. 31 ft.
Arabic 44.Commentary on the Koran. 1461 A.D. 149 f. Pa. 19 ft.
Arabic 48.Lexicon. 1207 A.D. 225 f. Pa. 30 ft.
Arabic 49.Paschal Tables, Euchologion, Apostolos. Various. 65 f. Pa. 11 ft.
Arabic 50.Lexicon. 1554 A.D. 921 f. Pa. 93 ft.
Arabic 51.Turkish Grammar. 1597 A.D. 277 f. Pa. 31 ft.
Arabic 55.Reply to Pius IX Encyclical. 1854 A.D. 145 f. Pa. 20 ft.
Arabic 56.Monastic Rules. 1825 A.D. 154 f. Pa. 20 ft.
Arabic 60.Evangelion. 1615 A.D. 368 f. Pa. 41 ft.
Arabic 61.Syntaktikon of Ibn Malik's Poem. 1481 A.D. 292 f. Pa. 34 ft.
Arabic 62.Arabic Literature. 1821 A.D. 172 f. Pa. 22 ft.
Arabic 63.John Chrysostom: Commentary on Gospels. 13th cent. 248 f. Pa. 29 ft.
Arabic 64.Clement of Rome: Canons. 1805 A.D. 115 f. Pa. 15 ft.
Arabic 65.Prophetologion. 16th cent. 232 f. Pa. 28 ft.
Arabic 66.Simeon Stylites. 1570 A.D. 322 f. Pa. 37 ft.
Arabic 67.Evangelion with Commentary (Chrysostom). 14th cent. 254 f. Pa. 31 ft.
Arabic 70.Lectionary. 18th cent. 86 f. Pa. 12 ft.
Arabic 71.Apostolos. 1764 A.D. 68 f. Pa. 10 ft.
Arabic 72.Evangelion.14th/ 15th cent. 215 f. Pa. 25 ft.
Arabic 75.Evangelion. 14th cent. 291 f. Pa. 35 ft.
Arabic 76.Arabic Grammar (Arabic-Turkish). 18th cent. 41 f. Pa. 9 ft.
Arabic 78.Rhetoric. 18th cent. 150 f. Pa. 19 ft.