
قيود البحث

البدء من جديد لقد بحثت عن: حقوق (Dublin Core) The PPPA operates according to the principles of 'fair use'. According to fair use principles, an author may make limited use of another author's work without asking for permission. Fair use is based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for non-commercial educational purposes, commentary and criticism. For full rights policy, see: https://www.palestineposterproject.org/content/faq إزالة القيد حقوق (Dublin Core): The PPPA operates according to the principles of 'fair use'. According to fair use principles, an author may make limited use of another author's work without asking for permission. Fair use is based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for non-commercial educational purposes, commentary and criticism. For full rights policy, see: https://www.palestineposterproject.org/content/faq

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