
قيود البحث

البدء من جديد لقد بحثت عن: اللغة Arabic إزالة القيد اللغة: Arabic اللغة Coptic إزالة القيد اللغة: Coptic

نتائج البحث

Accounts (?) 86.285
Accounts 2.249
Bible; accounts 39.59
Bible; accounts 39.216
Bible; accounts 44.216
Bible; document 43.195
Calendrical T-S NS 98.74
Calendrical; jottings T-S NS 98.11
Calendrical; jottings T-S NS 98.39
Calendrical; legal document T-S K2.96
Coptic language textbook
Document; list 146.87
Legal document; accounts Mosseri VII.21.2
Legal document; accounts T-S 16.194
Legal document; accounts T-S Ar.39.189
Legal document; poetry; accounts 111.1
Letter; accounts T-S 8.20
Liturgy (?); accounts 145.113
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P1
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P2
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P3
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P4
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P5
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P6
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P7
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P8
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P9
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P10
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P11
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P12
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P13
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P14
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P15
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P16
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P17
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P18
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P19
Order of payment T-S Ar.30.184 P20
Piyyuṭ (?); accounts 117.64
Piyyuṭ; accounts Mosseri IV.159.2
Piyyuṭ; jottings (?) 115.56
Piyyuṭ; list Mosseri IV.210
Unidentified Mosseri II.47.2