Astronomy Manuscripts 387 items

Astrology; astronomy 153.140
Astrology; astronomy T-S K3.19
Calendrical; astrological; astronomical 144.235
Calendrical; astronomical 144.61
Collection of Arabic, Turkish, and Persian texts on astronomical instruments.
Collection of astronomical texts.
Collection of works on astronomy and astronomical instruments
Four treatises on astrolabes and astronomy.
Fragments of two works on astronomy
Letter; astrology; astronomy 146.353
Letter; astronomy T-S 24.59
Theology; astronomical Mosseri V.274.1
Three treatises on astronomy and arithmetic
Treatise on astronomy and astrology
Treatise on the making of astronomical instruments
[ʻArūz̤-i] Mawlānā Jāmī ; Qāfiyah-ʼi Mawlānā Jāmī ; [Anonymous treatise on astronomy]
al-Majisṭī / li-muʼallifih<br>Elementa astronomica. Arabic
Four treatises on astronomy
Four texts on astronomy
Three treatises on astronomy and geometry
Three treatises on astrology, astronomy and time-keeping
Three astronomical commentaries
Three texts on mathematics and astronomy
Five treatises on astronomy and mathematics in Persian and Arabic
Seven treatises on mathematics, astronomy and statics
Two short extracts on astronomy in Arabic and Persian
Two short texts on astronomy
"Miscellany (Judah ben Solomon Harizi's ʻAnaḳ; Yitsḥaḳ Haleṿi's poems and an astronomical figure)"
Collection of astrological and astronomical texts
Collection of astronomical and astrological texts
Collection of astronomical texts
Collection of astronomical texts
Collection of medical, philosophical, astrological and astronomical texts
Fī jawāmi’ ’ilm al-nujūm (Compendium of astronomy)
Ner Yiśraʼel (with added astronomical tables)
Astronomical 144.180
Astronomical 144.260
Astronomical and mathematical tables
Astronomical calculations
Astronomical charts for Fatḥ-ʻAlī Shāh Qājār.
Astronomical material in Arabic and Turkish
Astronomical tables
Astronomical tables
Astronomical tables
Astronomical tables
Astronomical tables for the latitude of Samarkand
Astronomical treatise
Astronomical treatise
Astronomy (?) 161.217
Astronomy 122.288
Astronomy T-S K6.143
Astronomy T-S NS 98.16
Astronomy; astrology 150.78
Astronomy; astrology T-S K2.17
Astronomy; calendrical T-S K2.70
Astronomy; letter T-S 13J26.17
Greek Manuscripts 1199. Astronomikon.
Photios 15. Astronomika. 16th cent. 91 f. Pa. 12 ft.
Astronomical and astrological treatises, and a poem
Astronomical material in Arabic and Turkish
Astronomical tables
Astronomical tables (Luḥot)
Miscellany (Astronomical and astrological works)
Two treatises on algebra and inheritance calculations and an excerpt on magic squares  by Khuzā‘ī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad خزاعي، محمد بن أحمد
al-Zīj al-mu‘tabar al-Sanjarī الزيج المعتبر السنجري  Khāzinī, ʻAbd al-Raḥmān خازني، عبد الرحمن
Taysīr al-maṭālib fī tasyīr al-kawākib تيسير المطالب في تسيير الكواكب  Kawāshī, Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr كواشي، محمد بن أبي بكر
Sharḥ al-tadhkirah شرح التذكرة  Birjandī, ʻAbd al-ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn برجندي، عبد العلي بن محمد بن حسين
Excerpt on magic squares (عدد الوفق)  Khuzā‘ī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad خزاعي، محمد بن أحمد  and other short extracts and notes (فوائد)
"Commentary on Ptolemy's Almagest. 18th century"
2 anonymous untitled works
Astrological and magical treatises.
Astrological compendium.
Bahjat al-maḥādith fī aḥkām min jumlat al-ḥawādith
Book on the configuration of the orb.
Bīst bāb dar ʻilm-i usṭurlāb.
Calendrical; translation 139.77
Chand risālah dar ḥisāb va hayʼāt.
Commentary on Tuḥfat al-ikhwān by Aḥmad ibn Qāsim
Dar maʻrifat-i taqvīm mushtamil bar sī faṣl.
Dustūr uṣūl ʻilm al-mīqāt wa-natījat al-naẓar fī taḥrīr al-awqāt
Fa-innī waṣiftu fī hādhā al-kitāb min ʻilm al-awqāt bi-al-ḥisāb mā fīhi kifāyah wa-ghannāhu ʻan jamīʻ al-ālāt al-shuʻāʾīyah wa-al-ẓillīyah
Fatḥ al-mūqīt fī sharḥ al-yawāqīt
Fī al-falak wa-al-handasah wa-al-ḥisāb.
Gayhān shinākht
Ghunyat al-ṭullāb fī maʻrifat rusūm ālat al-asṭurlāb
Haza rūznāme-yi Dārendevī.
Haza rūznāme-yi Dārendevī.
Hādhihi al-nuskhah taʾlīf al-shaykh Muḥammad Laflāfah al-Rashīdī wa-hiya mustamirrah ʻalá al-shuhūr wa-al-ayyām bi-al-tamām
Hādhihi al-risālah al-musammāh tadrīb al-ʻāmil fī al-ʻamal bi-al-rubʻ al-kāmil
Hādhihi muqaddimah laṭīfah yuʻrafu min-hā malāḥim muntakhabah wa-aḥkām bayān dawrān al-sanah al-Qibṭīyah wa-al-ashhur al-rūmīyah wa-al-fārisīyah wa-al-fuṣūl al-arbaʻah wa-maʻrifat al-sāʻāt wa-al-daraj wa-mā yunāsib fī ayyām al-fuṣūl min al-istiʻmālāt
Hādhihi natījat al-afkār fī aʻmāl al-layl wa-al-nahār
Hādhihi risālah fī al-ḥisāb ...
Hādhihi risālah mushtamilah ʻalá qawāʻid ḥisābīyah wa-aʻmāl handasīyah fī al-ʻamal bi-rubʻ al-juyūb
Hādhihi risālah tusammá tadrīb al-ʻāmil fī al-ʻamal bi-al-rubʻ al-kāmil
Hādhihi risālat al-asṭurlāb
Hādhihi risālat zād al-musāfir fī waḍʻ khuṭūṭ faḍl al-dāyir