Manuscripts from the University of Pennsylvania Libraries 692 items

Kitāb Badīʻ al-inshāʼ wa-al-ṣifāt fī al-mukātabāt wa-al-murāsalāt.
Kitāb Bulghat al-ḥāfiẓ wa-balāghat al-lāfiẓ.
Kitāb Mīzān al-ḥikmah.
Kitāb Qiṣṣat Sayyidinā Yūsuf.
Kitāb Rawḍ al-rayāḥīn fī ḥikāyāt al-ṣāliḥīn
Kitāb al-Adwār fī al-mūsīqá.
Kitāb al-Adwār fī al-mūsīqá.
Kitāb al-Istīʻāb fī asmāʼ al-madhkūrīn fī al-riwāyāt wa-sāʼir al-āthār wa-al-muṣannafāt mimman ṣaḥaba al-Nabī.
Kitāb al-Istīʻāb fī asmāʼ al-madhkūrīn fī al-riwāyāt wa-sāʼir al-āthār wa-al-muṣannafāt mimman ṣaḥaba al-Nabī.
Kitāb al-Kashf wa-al-bayān. Īḍāḥ al-rumūz fī al-burhān.
Kitāb al-Majisṭī.
Kitāb al-Miṣbāḥ wa-nuzʹhat al-arwāḥ fī ʻilm al-miftāḥ fī al-ḥikmah al-Ilāhīyah wa-al-ṣināʻah al-falsafīyah wa al-natījah al-ʻalīyah.
Kitāb al-Muntazaʻ min kalām mawlānā.
Kitāb al-Raḥmah fī al-ṭibb wa-al-ḥikmah
Kitāb al-Shifā bi-taʻrīf ḥuqūq al-Muṣṭafá.
Kitāb al-Siyāsah al-sharʻīyah al-musammá tasʹhīl al-naẓar wa-taʻjīl al-ẓafar.
Kitāb al-Siyāsah fī tadbīr al-riyāsah
Kitāb al-Tawākiz al-muḥarrarah wa-al-ḍamāʼir al-mustakhbarah.
Kitāb al-salāmāt.
Kitāb fi al-Sharaʾiʻ(13-16)
Kitāb fī istīʻāb al-wujūh al-mumkinah fī ṣanʻat al-asṭurlāb.
Kitāb madāʼiḥ yataḍammanu madāʼiḥ li-shahr Kīhak wa-al-aʻyād al-sayyidīyah kibār wa-ṣighār wa-madāʼiḥ al-arbaʻīn al-muqaddasah wa-al-ṣalīb.
Kitāb-i Advār.
Kitāb-i Gulistān.
Kitāb-i Tīmūrnāmah.
Kitāb-i taṣāvīr-i shīshah garān va ghayrah va bayān-i ālāt ānhā.
Kitāb-i Ḥashāyish.
Kāfiyat al-ṭālib al-rabbānī li-Risālat Ibn Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī. Fatḥ al-mannān ʻalá naẓm mawrid al-ẓamʼān.
Kıya-yı Hazret-i Yûsuf Zulaykhâ.
Lamentation for the Ninth of Av
Lamentations 3:54-4:9
Lamentations for the Ninth of Av
Laudatory poem for Śimḥah and Netanʹel, sons of Mesabar
Laws of Sukkot, in rhyme
Laṭāʼif al-kalām fī aḥkām al-aʻwām.
Legal document
Letter to 'Alun ben Ya'ish, "The Benefactor", Fustat
Letter to Abraham ben Nathan, 'the Seventh'
Letter to Abu Zikhri Yaḥya ben Menasheh
Letter to Abu Zikhri ben Abu'l-Faraj, Fustat and Qalyub
Letter to Abu'l-ʹIz ben Bishr, Fustat, from his mother
Letter to Ali Abu'l-Ḥasan ben Sa'id "the banker" in the Matsatsa, Fustat
Letter to Daṿid ha-Leṿi ben Yitsḥaḳ
Letter to Ephraim he-Ḥaver ben Shemarya
Letter to Joseph Amarillio
Letter to Joseph Mataban
Letter to Joshua ben Dosa, Fustat
Letter to Judah ben Moses ben Sujmar of Fustat
Letter to Judah ben Moses ben Sujmar of Fustat
Letter to Moses Abu-l'Ḥai, Fustat
Letter to Nahray ben Nissim, Fustat
Letter to R. Solomon
Letter to R. Solomon
Letter to Samuel Laniado
Letter to a benefactor
Letter to a notable named Joseph
Letter to an honorable rabbi
Letter to the Jews of Fustat
Letter to the Judge Elijah
Letter to the Nagid Mevorakh ben Seʹadyah
Letter to the three sons of Suleiman ben 'Ali, Fustat
Leviticus 1:9-17
Leviticus 1:14-3:3
Leviticus 11:40-12:7; Leviticus 13:26-42
Leviticus 16:18-32
Leviticus 23:10-20, with Targum Onḳelos
List of Jewish names
List of Jewish names
List of contributors
List of contributors for the ransom of a captive from Antiochia
Lists of beneficiaries for the poll tax
Lists of prospective contributors
Liturgical poems for mourners
Liturgical poems, probably for funeral services
Liturgy for Yom Kippur
Mafteaḥ le-Manʹule ha-Talmud, Ḥagigah 14b; Mo'ed ḳaṭan 24b, 19
Mafteaḥ le-Manʹule ha-Talmud, Ḥagigah 14b; Mo'ed ḳaṭan 24b, 19
Maimonides' commentary on the Mishnah, Middot 1:8-2:4
Maimonides' commentary on the Mishnah, introduction
Manhaj al-ʻilm wa-al-bayān wa-nuzhat al-samʻ wa-al-aʻyān.
Maqālah fī al-ʻamal bi-al-yad.
Maqālah fī khalq al-insān.